July 24, 2015

Fringe Benefits

"It's Friday, it's Friday/It's the end of the week and the last day/Yo Nikki it's on you, so what you gonna do?/I'm gonna get my travel on, I'm got get my chill, I'm gotta get my rest on all weekend long!"

If you are from or live in the ATL, you know that every Friday, Ryan Cameron and the crew at V-103 end their Friday broadcast with the Friday Song. It's been such a challenging week for that this song was totally appropro for this post, even though it has nothing to do with this post.

I simply wanted to share this amazingly comfortable and cute fringe dress with you. I found this piece on Etsy and it was so affordable, I had to have it. I love the asymmetrical fringe detail and the rushing detail on the side. I like different and this dress definitely fits the bill. 

I paired the dress with my favorite (because they are my most comfortable pair) 
Christian Louboutins. I thought the animal print was a great contrast to the grey and red 
and played well with the look.

Where To Buy (Here)

Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend! Be Inspired!



All photos by Markus Moore for BigTime Images.


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